Yo to ALL! 06-19-07 01:29
Finally, school's out Well, let's skip formalities,
aye?: old website. It's old. And it's obnoxious. The end. I'm 17 and I'm a nerd. Thank you, proud of it.
My MySpace [-coughoverratedcough-] is over there ->. So are other cool[er]
links. GUESTBOOK. That's right. Guestbook. It's even linked and everything for you... on EVERY PAGE. Sooo... get to it? Please?
I have no idea when I'll update. Between
the amount of homework and the amount of sickness... I think it's impossible for me to get a good gaming hour in edgewise,
let alone update my webpage. So until I find some time, I'm sorry, deal with the boring stuff from forever ago. Buy yourself
a good book or a new game. Don't blame me for your boredum.
To my not-so-new [and not-so-improved] site-of-'oh-my-jello-it's-Hannah's-website' SITE! Yeah.
HAHAH... a... A. Exactly like that.
So yeah,
aaaanyway. Uh... be gone. Sign yon guestbook. Visit the websites to the right that are actually good. I especially
recommend Red Vs. Blue now that the series is one episode from completion. Seriously funny stuff. Click here for
episode one. Uhm... yeah. That's all. -bows- ...Adieu.
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